Natural body oils for massage face and body care.
Our amazing natural oils have nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties. All of them contain the necessary for skin vitamins and some of them proteins and amino acids which, in turn, helping to accelerate metabolism of the skin cells. All of them are easily and quickly absorbed because they are natural and do not contain preservatives or of any other chemical components.
They can be used for the face and body, gently massaging them onto the clean skin. Many of them are excellent natural remedies for the care and restoration of damaged hair. Putting oil on the hair as a mask, you can return them shine, elasticity and healthy appearance.
Many of oils have their own unique flavors and useful properties. Some of them, like for example Grape Seed oil has no flavor and it can be used as base oil for the preparation of individual aroma therapy composition by adding to it of essential oils with a necessary for you therapeutic properties.